

Please see the following link for a list of car parks, the number of spaces and parking fee for visitors to this years event.


  • Children under the age of 16 MUST be accompanied by an adult.
  • Visitors are responsible for ensuring that they are wearing appropriate footwear and clothing, taking into account the nature of the event and the weather forecast. Wearing sunscreen is advised.
  • Organisers of the event can take no responsibility for visitor’s medical conditions. If any visitor is in any doubt about their ability to participate in any activities they should seek medical advice or refrain from taking part.
  • Persons attending Strutt Your Mutt Charity Dog Day do so at their own risk. Neither the event organisers or the event sponsors or contractors will be liable in any way for injury, loss, damage or death that might occur as a result of participation of Strutt Your Mutt Charity Dog Day, unless by negligence on their part.


  • If your dog has a problem at the event, please contact the organisers for veterinary assistance or go direct to the Wangford Veterinary Clinic tent at Woodfarm Barn. The telephone number to call and the location of the Veterinary and Organisers tent onsite will be provided on the event website prior to the show and will be shown the event map which is given free of charge at the entrance to the car park, walk and show ground. If you don’t have a map please alert one of the organisers at one of the rings or have-a-go activities or event marshals.
  • If whilst at the event you become concerned for a dog’s welfare please contact the organisers or the veterinary team who will pass your concern on to our events Animal Welfare Officer.


By visiting Strutt Your Mutt Charity Dog Day and taking part in the walks you agree to abide by the terms and conditions of the show. You also acknowledge that you participate in the show at your own risk. Strutt Your Mutt accepts no liability whatsoever for any accidental damage or loss of any kind, whether direct or consequential, suffered by you, your family or your dog(s), in relation to visiting Strutt Your Mutt Charity Dog Day.


By attending the event, participants consent to being filmed/photographed for security and press without payment.