Team Strutt Your Mutt

Volunteering at Strutt Your Mutt Dog Day is a brilliant way of experiencing something different, having fun and crucially achieving something really worthwhile. Whether you are an individual a team of work colleagues, a group of friends, or even a family – volunteering is an easy and enjoyable way to get involved and make a difference.

Why volunteer at an event?

You’ll become part of a dedicated events team, have fun and mingle with people from your own community. It's great experience for your CV too!

Rewarding Experience

We are committed to giving you the best experience possible and believe that the volunteer relationship is one of trust and mutual understanding. You’ll become part of a dedicated events team, have fun and mingle with people from your own community. It's great experience for your CV too!

Anyone can volunteer. You don't need any previous experience and there are lots of volunteer roles to choose from. All you need to do is give your time to help raise money for Hearing Dogs for Deaf People.

What will I be doing?

Anything from giving directions to visitors at the walk to helping promote an event, there are many ways to get involved. To give you some idea:

Before the event: distributing posters and event programs to shops, pubs etc and erecting signage to advertise the event

The day before the event: Helping to set up the site on the day before the event – putting up signs, marquees and temporary fencing etc.

On the day of the event: Marshals out on the walk route, directing traffic/on the carparks, admin and taking entrance fees, selling event merchandise, assisting with activities such as the fastest recall, have a go agility or one of our many other interactive dog games.

If you’re interested in the event volunteering opportunities please:

  • complete the online application form below, or
  • download the registration form and return it to the address in it (link below), or
  • contact Jill on 01502 578999 / 07789 885488.

You’ll become part of a dedicated events team, have fun and mingle with people from your own community. It's great experience for your CV too!

Your Mutt Volunteering Policy

As a volunteer you have a responsibility to:

  • Aim for high standards of efficiency, reliability and quality in your volunteering.
  • Work in partnership with volunteers, staff and the general public.
  • Support, respect and adhere to our organisational policies, guidelines and management decisions – including all aspects of equal opportunities, health and safety, data protection and use of our brand.
  • Consider and protect Strutt Your Mutts good reputation.
  • Act responsibly and within the law.
  • Let your Strutt Your Mutt contact know first if you have any problems or complaints so that we can find a solution together.
  • Let your Strutt Your Mutt contact know if there are changes in your personal circumstances that may affect your volunteering.
  • Have the best possible experience by getting involved and enjoying your volunteering.

In return, we will:

  • Offer equal opportunities to everyone who wants to volunteer.
  • Match your skills and experiences with the right role for you wherever possible, listening to your motivations and aspirations.
  • Offer appropriate training and support for your role.
  • Celebrate success and recognise loyalty and dedication.
  • Respect our volunteers and listen to what you have to say, consistently encouraging two-way communication.
  • Provide information about the benefiting charity’s work.
  • Reimburse agreed out-of-pocket expenses.
  • Try to resolve any concerns fairly and reasonably.
  • Ensure your health, safety and welfare as a volunteer.
  • Encourage a positive and friendly atmosphere.
  • Provide access to trained members of staff to support, advise and guide you.

Volunteer registration form:

You have already applied to be a volunteer. We will be in touch about this soon.
You can view your application here
You have been accepted as a volunteer.
You can view your application here
Your application to volunteer has been rejected. If we have not already been in touch to explain why, we will do so soon.
You can view your application here

To apply to be a volunteer at Strutt Your Mutt please:

  • complete the online application form, or
  • download the registration form and return it to the address in it, or
  • contact Jill on 01502 578999 / 07789 885488.

About me:

Optionally, you can also register on the site by adding a username and password below.

If you choose to do this, you will be able to log into the website and submit volunteer expenses online. If you do not want to register you will have to download the expenses form and submit it manually.

If you have already registered on the site, please log in now (before completing and submitting your application) and we will be able to tie the application into your account.

Register new account

My interests:

My reason for getting involved:

Please tell us what you hope to gain from volunteering with us:

My references:

Taking references helps us to ensure that the volunteering role is right for you. Please provide details of two referees who are over 18. One should be someone you know in a professional capacity, whilst the other can be a neighbour, friend or colleague. If you get stuck, we can help you think about who might be suitable to provide a reference.

My emergency contact:

Please provide the details of someone we can contact in the unlikely event of accident or illness while volunteering for the Strutt Your Mutt Dog Day.

Access requirements / health conditions:

If you have any particular access requirements or health conditions (eg medication or allergies etc) that we should be aware of, please give details below:

Data protection:

The organisers of Strutt Your Mutt Dog Day collects and processes personal information for the purposes of customer analysis and direct marketing so that we can contact you about our event, membership, fundraising and other activities.

Thank you

for your interest in volunteering with the Strutt Your Mutt Dog Day. If you have any current convictions, we may ask you to declare them when you come in for a chat with us. If you’re interested in a role that involves volunteering with children and / or vulnerable adults, we will ask for information about current and spent criminal convictions. Having a criminal record will not necessarily exclude you from volunteering with us.